Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I'm pretty against the bail-out, mainly because we don't have the money to do it.

But in case you're unconvinced Wall Street affects Main Street:

I'm trying to get a local business to sponsor a $500 Movie on Main Street event. Not a big deal for this particular company-- except they can't get at their cash.

The bank is holding the deposited checks-- frozen. So he can't write me a check until his account funds are fully available, and my event goes unsponsored for at least another week.

In other news, Annaliese's top 2 teeth have popped through. She is not sleeping as well but we think this is due to the chilly night temperatures, and tonight she's got a heater in her room... so we'll see.

Today she took a nap in the am, then refused and refused and refused to sleep in the afternoon. Everytime we put her down we'd come in to find her standing, holding the rails, and screaming.

So, like many a parent before us, we gave up.

Around 4 K. looked up from the laptop to see her dozing in her exersaucer, face falling onto the toys. Pretty darn funny.

This am she wore the sweater her VT grandmama knitted for the first time:

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1 comment:

Angela Atkins said...

Cute sweater!

She may be transitioning toward the one big nap in the middle of the day. Billy was pretty much forced to it around Annaliese's age by day care, but I've found I like it better. An hour and a half to two hours, guaranteed, and then in bed earlier, by 7:30. Maybe...