Friday, June 22, 2007


Background: after K/ called me a roly-poly crazy person (or something like that) and I thwacked him for calling me roly-poly, he pointed out that I sometimes get upset at the wrong part of his insults.


Me: Sometimes I wish that Shadow and Dido would die so I could get the new, flea-free, non-shedding, non-crazy dogs that are my REAL pets.

K.: That's terrible.

ME: When we have teenagers, I'm going to turn to you and say that I wish we could start over and have our real children instead of these pimply monsters.

K.: And then I'll turn to the children and say that I wished I could start over with my real wife instead of this pimply monster.

Me: I'm not VERY pimply. (And I'm NOT!)


Nor am I a monster!


Anonymous said...

I was singing the fish heads song, with variations, and it happens to have a "roly-poly fish heads" line that I borrowed half of.

The cellery sticks are very tasty this morning schnooks.

D'nelle said...

1. I would have been offended at "roly-poly" and not at "crazy person". You're totally justified.

2. I have been wishing that about my dog. Because she keeps teasing me! She's all old and infirm, but i love her and can't get a newer, shinier dog until she kicks it! It's like, a new dog would eliminate all of the eccentricities that i have to deal with with Georgia... except that it would have new eccentricities... c'est la vie...

3. I'm pretty sure that if i ever have kids i will have to send them away from the ages of 12-19. I will not be able to stand living with teenagers.

also - who spelled it "cellery"?