Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Baby Day

Alas, the baby is not a sweet potato; at 17 weeks, it's more like a large onion. 5 ounces/5 inches with cartilage hardening to bone. Not much else news this week.

It has officially been confirmed to me that I do not look pregnant; "just kind of poochy," said my social engagement of last night, who is sporting a near-full-grown baby-in-the-belly herself.

I figure it's because of my remarkable ab muscles.

I have also not felt the baby move to my knoweldge. Why to my knowledge? Well, apparently the first movements (felt between 16-20 weeks) can feel like bubbles, butterflies, or...gas.

Still not sick; still not thinking labour will be the worst experience of my life; still feeling like me, ergo frustrating the woman who came up to me and told me about her co-worker's 50-hour-labour.

We'll reach the beach by Saturday. Aloha!

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