Today Annaliese is 16 months and 12 days.
And today is MAY 18TH! WHICH is not at all the "beginning of May" meaning that New Baby is a leisurely 4 or so weeks away! Today is well into the middle of May, which means...
I'm having a baby in like five minutes, since that's approximately how quickly the weeks are passing.
Official due date is May 31st, but come on, Annaliese was EIGHT days late so we're figuring June something-ish.
We had an extraordinarily laid-back and pleasant weekend chock-full of friends (Stinkerina came to visit), activities (Music in the Park, Farmers Market, Movie on Main say what?), and family downtime (it didn't rain yesterday. We took a walk. Took a nap. Hung out and burned some more wood.).
But the big news of the weekend is that K's best friend proposed on a HOT AIR BALLOON on his girlfriend's BIRTHDAY (wicked cool move, girls always think birthdays are proposal off-limits) and she ACCEPTED which is WONDERFUL because
1. K's best friend is really fabulous, and also a really good cook, which means the food at his wedding is something that's already crossed my mind
2. The lady in question is so AWESOME that despite being the 4th wheel in all this (best friend's wife) I personally am VERY EXCITED because now we can all go on vacation together and K and N can play (I mean, do manly things, like smoke cigars) and E and I can talk about denim and food and babies and whatever else and despite only seeing her on a few occasions, I am confident that I will enjoy these future vacations, because she
3. Engagements are cause for celebration when the people are so clearly right for each other.
Congratulations, you two. Now post pics already so I can moon over your cutie-pie faces. (UPDATED)
Oh I am so excited Too! About N and E---I thought they were a fabulous couple at A's christening, I adore N and found her gorgeous and just all around scrummy---
Good move, you two!
Big A's Mom
Awwwww! Thank you both soo much!! :D
I hope you enjoy the pictures Nick sent you! :D A documentation of the event! Sending my love for your new family member's birth! :D Cant wait to meet him!! xoxox
PS. The food comment was the best... I LOLed ;)
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