Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The camera cord isn't here. And yet, it's the last day of the year.

Maybe it's because Annaliese has learned to wave and say hi.
Maybe it's because three weeks ago she had just begun to walk, and yesterday she was practically running around Home Depot in her new gray sneakers with yellow laces.
Maybe it's the aftertaste from a great visit with my best friend and a fab week with my mother and sister. 
Maybe it's the second-trimester glow, or the fact that K. is off from work all week and spends his day two blocks away on Main Street, redoing the facade of our building, meaning he's available for walk-by kisses and come-home lunches.
Maybe it's that it's stopped raining, and the roof is half-on across the street, and it looks fantastic.
Maybe it's that today is my weekly lie-in, which means that I wake up at my usual time (6:45-ish), try to go back to sleep, give up, read a book, and eat a glorious breakfast in bed that K. brings in.
Maybe it's the bag of local fresh-picked pecans one of my farmers dropped by yesterday, because he'd heard I liked pecan pie.
Maybe it's the fancy new organic moisturizer my sister gave me for Xmas.

I don't know. But I am riding high on gratitude and awe for all the blessings in my life, and it sure feels good to be here.

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