Friday, February 18, 2011

a brief whine

It has been a llllooooonnnggg week, one that sucker-punched me. I was all like "yay! no one's sick, no one's traveling, and it's 70 degreees!!! weeee!"

And then Tuesday, I sent Jessica, my manager, home because she was sick.

It is Friday.

Haven't seen her since.

And when Jessica doesn't work... I have to. Which has meant for this week of glorious spring weather, I have been in the store, gazing out, for 13 hours a day. I trudge home in the dark and kiss K and tell him how amazing he is for solo-parenting and then he leaves to work on his projects.

I am very tired, and more than a little lonely.

But hopefully, Jessica will be back at work today. Which means that after 6 hours here, I will be able to LEAVE.

Which is good, cos it's my sweetie's birthday!

He's turning 30. Big things are planned. Keep posted.

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

Hey Alexe, I hope this week is off to a better start for you.