Monday, August 02, 2010


Right Now:

Partly Cloudy
Temperature: 99°F
Feels Like: 112°

Tomorrow: 104°

Alright y'all. I don't mind summer in Mississippi; it's like winter up north, you just stay inside.

But two months of this and no sign of relent-- the hottest summer on record here-- is enough and I announce, Universe, that I am Officially Done and please send a week of gentle foggy rain to be followed by some crisp blue-skied fall.


smartinof4steve said...

Or at least a weekend in Malibu, with pleasant 60s in the evenings.


Anonymous said...

I see he likes living dangerously, with that post! J

Cowgirl said...

Up here in BC we revel in our (maybe) 2 months of HOT...but it is no where near as hot as Mississippi. Today is a balmy 30'Celsius predicted which is hot enough. In a couple of months, perhaps sooner, we will be wearing our woolens again.

I like your blog and have visited a few time.