Thursday, July 22, 2010

Caspian, apparently, is attempting to grow eight inches over night so I am tired. He woke up starting around 5am. I relented and brought him into the kitchen for breakfast at 6, at which point he drank 10 ounces of whole milk, about 2 slices of whole wheat bread, 4 dehydrated mango slices, and 2 hardboiled eggs. You know, about a 500, 600 calorie breakfast. Perfectly normal for someone knee-high.

K and I are going on a date Friday night. The kids are really, really great. My sunflowers have started blooming and I have a bowlful on the kitchen table. The store toddles along; we're doing more and more things every day not for the first time.

So despite the fact that Anika left for New Orleans (en route to Berlin) yesterday, and my friend/manager/auntie-godmother has left for good, things be alright.

Surely I can manage this on my own?

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