Tuesday, K looked like that. Sad and pathetic, I know. He's better now.
The kids are a handful but mostly great. Caspian can crawl! Which makes Annaliese want to too cos we get so excited!
And we beat the birds to two strawberries. Which every member of our family found delicious.
What with my mate down and out, I've had a lot of time to think in the past five days. About marriage, parenting, birth control, gardening, landscaping, gutters, hoop cheese, the odds of my grocery actually paying the bills, how to display flowers, the color to repaint the shelves, whether or not we should make sandwiches, what our parents should do, why I love getting my miserable family into pretty clothes for pictures, and the inevitability of death.
(No. Not really the last one. But it sounded good.)
I'm not sure any of these thoughts are worth expanding on. Although hoop cheese, it turns out, is the one currently intriguing me the most.
"Sad and pathetic, I know..."
unhunh. This is as good as my darling bride gets at nurse-maid-ing.
she sucks.
up to about two hours of energy a day, but feeling much better, if you happen to be more worried than my wife.
I think you look brave.
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