Annaliese loves painting. She paints polkadots, handprints, and strangely, avocados. Strangely because she hates avocado.
Paints courtesy of Grandmama, Apron courtesty of Godpapa. Lucky little kid.
Every day we go pick Annaliese up in the afternoon, and it is increasingly clear that it is Caspian's favorite part of the day. He adores his big sister. No matter how cranky he is, he cheers up as soon as we get in the car, cos he knows he's gonna see his best friend soon.
She likes him too.
Sometimes she picks his hand up and shakes it, saying "How do, baby, how do?" She puts stickers on the end of his nose, kisses him, tickles him, and occasionally pushes him onto the floor for a full-on body hug. Which he adores.
Cuteness, n'est pas?
It never ceases to amaze me, the bond that siblings share! Until they turn into teenagers, anyway :)
Hello, I hope you are enjoying your quiet time alone. Follow this link to a few pictures of Annaliese and Owen.
Wow. Little C looks just like your grandfather Pierce in that bathtub!!! I mean, wow.
And my experience has been,if they grow up in love with each other and best friends, they stay that way...all the way through teen and into adult.
Enjoy the rest of your stayvation.
I'm back as me :-}
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