Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So it's warm, and the kids are sleeping well, and I find myself with nothing to whine about.

Here is the album of Annaliese's birthday party. Doesn't quite capture the awesomeness of the event: Annaliese racing around with her buddies, having a ball, and thanking them for their presents and for coming to her party. Frickin' adorable.

Cross your fingers, Annaliese has been sleeping quite well in her big-girl bed. K. made a rail which seems to deter the getting-out-of-bed-over-and-over madness. I haven't put Caspian in the crib yet because I want her to bond to the new bed and lose any vestiges of attachment to the old one but a few more nights and we'll try that.

Last night he slept fro 6:30 pm to 5am without waking for the 10pm feeding. I didn't notice cos I was asleep myself. Awesome! Best night in over seven months! Annaliese didn't require anything all night either!

Of course, K and the kids are getting very snotty again so this may not last. But keep your fingers crossed.

Two feature articles due to two different publications Monday, some interviews tomorrow, a truck load of mature nandinas and azaleas that our neighbor gave me for free (he's a contractor and someone is re-landscaping around their new porch), and so I am busy, busy, busy.

But happy. And warm. Turns out a switch was frozen and after I semi-hysterically took the kids to K's office Fri afternoon and then made him take us out for pizza (he stopped thinking I was over-reacting when we came home to a 52 degree house), he called the heating guy who came over promptly and cheerfully and finally discovered the real problem. Yay!

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Anonymous said...
