Sunday, November 01, 2009

The Kid Halloween

Caspian, aka Li'l C.

The Fam... Annaliese was a googly green monster, eyes not visible on top of her head. And she was indeed quite solemn until she had the march-to-the-door, say-trick-or-treat, place-cady-in-pumpkin ritual down. It took about three houses.

And a lollipop or two.

When we got home and I was trying to force some rice and broccoli into her before the babysitter came and K and I got dolled up for OUR Halloween, I asked her if she had a good time.

She looked up and said, "Yeah."

We all did. Went around the two blocks with friends ( not pictured because it seems impolite to post a pic without permission), Caspian bobbing along in the Bjorn as a baseball player, Annaliese as a wee monster, and it was cool and crisp and entirely lovely.
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