Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pics from the weekend

On Friday, Annaliese looked frickin' adorable.

On Saturday, she did so again. This pic was snapped at the Farmers' Market; it is rapidly becoming one of my favorite things to sit under the manager's tent with K. next to me, watching our curly-headed daughter run around with the local riffraff.

Just kidding. That's a child of our friends', who is a very sweet little boy, though slightly out of sorts in this picture because Annaliese kept trying to snag his stuffed dog.

On Sunday, we went for a family walk. Annaliese rode in the stroller most the way, but we took a detour to the graveyard, hoping to find name inspirations for the new babe. Sadly, "Artemus" (yes, a boy) and "Roy" -- along wth every other name in the damn world-- failed to make the final cut.

However, it turns out the graveyards are great places to let babies wander. Shade, smooth grass, and stuff to climb on.

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1 comment:

Sarah L said...

You have to be the cutest freaking pregnant woman in the entire world :)