Thursday, April 30, 2009

View from our porch at dawn:

View from our porch of K's and my bedroom (guess who's sleeping, and ignore the crazy fabric, I'm making proper curtains soon)

View of my most adorable daughter in her rocking chair and the Dog That Shall Not Be Named

I think K. had a lot of fun with Annaliese yesterday. She sat on his lap and handed him pieces of wood as he installed a missing pane of glass; she straddled his hip as he worked on the shower; she sat on his lap (with ear plugs in) as he mowed the safe flat parts of the yard. periodically, she'd pull a plug out and chuck it, and then they would halt, get off the lawnmower, and look for the bright orange earplug together.

Then, after working together happily all evening and spending a pleasant half-hour looking through old photos, K. and I went to bed and had an hour-long argument about me occasionally giving Annaliese the honey-coated spoon that I've just used to put honey in my tea, or on my cereal, or whathaveyou.

The man who sat on the couch eating cinnamon doughnuts not a half-hour earlier finds that unacceptable.


Happy Thursday, all. We've got a good friend coming to spend the weekend with us, and here's hoping that they can figure out how to get the Merc's ac working, or at least more than 1.5 windows to roll down.
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Anonymous said...

Kagan definitely has a sweet toothe! There are the sweetish fish, the licorice sticks, the licorice swirls, the green frog candies, the good and plenty... Do as I say, not as I do!

Angela Atkins said...

Please guys: no baby on the mower--there are no "safe parts." I know whereof I speak. Seriously. I will come kick your asses.