Friday, December 12, 2008

baby happiness

It has been raining for three days, and finally the sun is back out. This was taken Monday, the last sunny day; though it's chilly, we gotta get out of the house, and so I bundle Annaliese up and stroll around town, much to the locals' disapproval.

Apparently she's not supposed to go outside if it's cold enough to require a jacket as she'll catch cold. To which I say, pah. 

So I sat on a bench in the little park downtown and Annaliese amused herself by rolling around in mulch, tearing bark off crepe myrtles, and crawling underneath the bench from front to back.

It was a nice morning. We've been having more and more of those here lately. 

And as I type this-- Annaliese is toddling across the room on her own two feet in a PJ top and baggy jeans, ritz cracker in hand, talking to the dog. She just made it the whole way. Yesterday she walked out of the living room holding my checkbook; things to come?

In the mean time, she's still chubby-cheeked and delicious:

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