FIVE PRESENTS, people. One via email from my lovely parents-in-law. Four sitting on top of the chest freezer in the kitchen, waiting. And waiting. And waiting. For my official birthday celebration with K., whenever that may be; tonight, if our meeting ends soon enough, or tomorrow, if it doesn't.
I really, really hope today. Because I may be 26, but I am not at all patient.
In any case: Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!!
(very relieved to find that I am back to my normal birthday spirits, after the utterly dispiriting experience last year of turning a quarter-century).
Happy Happy Birthday,beautiful girl!!!
I always forget you are a full six and half years younger than me--crazy! I wish I was like you when I was 26.
Happy, Happy Birthday. I really wanted to come see you all last night, but Ace is out of town and I was worried about messing with the routine should everything go to hell. I hope it was fun, and can't wait for more movies.
Tell K. to buy you a very expensive dinner. My mom is here next week and we'd be glad to babysit.
YES! an expensive dinner is JUST what is called for here.
I AM SO HAPPY YOU WERE BORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ack we meant to call, but Sarah was getting ready to travel and I had to work late... Happy belated birthday? We didn't forget, I swear... Don't hate me?
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