Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Annaliese's first playdate

As much as I like it when it's just the two of us.....
Billy came to play for the morning since his mum (a pal of mine and a working lady) had a client conference. As an 8+-month-old, Billy initiated us into the ways of a crawling man-child. It was big fun. And the two bebes seemed kind of...entranced with each other, which Billy demonstrated by trying to thwack Annaliese's face, and Annaliese did things like smile and grab her lady bits. Any gender lessons we can take from this?

In other news, gardening is uber fun, we've finally shaken our colds, and K. made banana bread today.

Hope you're having a happy Wednesday!
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1 comment:

Angela Atkins said...

Morning? More like most of the day! And I made you get out of bed. Gah!

I seriously cannot thank you enough. You saved my behind today. And Billy had so much fun.

So glad we finally got the star-crossed lovers together. It's our turn next.