If I had a bottle of what my mama calls champy-champ in the house, I'd open it tonight.
2012 has been a real humdinger and it is drawing to a close.
I am very happy.
With what's happened and what I'm working on happening.
Now, without further ado...
Friday: we went to friends' Xmas party. I walked through the door to find Annaliese in this party dress, which she has NEVER before had occasion to wear out of the house, weeping because she broke her tiara. I pulled out my fancy gift-basket ribbon and made two blond braids and the tears magically dried.
He charmed everybody. They were both very well behaved AND the only children at the party. We were there for nearly three hours and we all had fun.
Sneak shot of Annaliese's room. After removing the fake ceiling (and hundreds of staples), working on the walls (two coats of paint) and the floors (K. sanded; I did about five coats of tung oil and one of wax), the kids moved into their own rooms Saturday nights. It's a good thing. They're right across the hall from each other, with a tiny bathroom in between.
Today I went to work and Kagan baked cookies with the kids.
When I got home, we put the cute gingerbread shapes into packages and signed them and wrapped ribbons around them and walked the mile into town and left them on friends' porches and doors and for a few who were home, handed them directly to them. We even sang Miss Dixie a carol.
It was wonderful and we all enjoyed it but this crazy girl wasn't in a picture-taking mood.
Per our usual, we ate fondue tonight. Caspian passed out instanteously tonight and we are on the couch in front of a fire waiting on Annaliese to wind down so we can move in the big presents from the garage.
A note on present-buying: K. and I decided three years ago that every year, we would give our children something to wear, something to read, and something to play with, with a couple of smaller gifts to be from Santa in the stocking.
We bought our children the presents we wanted to this year: a new bike with bell and training wheels, special-ordered from the hardware store on Main Street, for Annaliese; a beautiful easel that Kagan made fully stocked with Melissa and Doug art supplies from the children's bookstore on the Square; two hardcover books from the same bookstore; a hat from the local department store that's considered ritzy; a dress from the seamstress next door with an A on the chest; candy galore; a set of Melissa and Doug dolls, a doctor's kit, and a rocket that operates off of foot power for the stockings.
I am enthused about all these presents and again, we bought what we wanted to with no consideration of price.
The grand total? $300.
I am very pleased with all of this and it feels sustainable in the best possible sense of the word. For us, for our kids, for our community.
Ok. Preaching over. I dig the three-present thing though, and recommend it highly. It helps focus the field in a good way. Not my idea, but I'm glad we adopted it.
Tomorrow, we feat and open presents and hopefully, weather permitting, go on a long walk.
The day after, I bundle my cherubs into Boatie and head to Virginia. A two-day trip; we'll arrive Thursday night and wake to a Virginian Christmas with my mother and sister. We're all really excited. Staying for ten days!
K., on the other hand, is also very excited: that we will be out of his hair and he will be able to do what he will in peace and quiet.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!