Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring is Here

Skies are Blue
My Baby quit his job
The World's Brand-New

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

To Virginia and back...

K took MANY pictures which we are slowly uploading to a web album. I will email out that link later.

So, K and kids drive the 16 hours in one day, with our dog, in Boatie the car. They chopped wood and chilled out for a week. I flew in, K went into DC to see an old friend, and the family visitations began!

It was warm enough for fishing, and Annaliese reeled a little sunny in all by herself!

It was windy enough for kites, so the kids flew a kite for the first time!

Then it got COLD and as I was putting the kids to bed, I told them there was a chance of snow overnight. Maybe, I suggested to Annaliese, you could pray to God that there be snow when you wake up int the morning. She thought this was a fine idea and began praying out loud. As I was clising the door to her room, she finished praying. Then she said loud and clear, "God says SURE!"

And lo, there was a little snow:

We saw my aunties and uncles and trekked to my 94-year-old grandfather's house where i took a lot of pics with the idea that someday, my children can tell their children that this was your great-great-grandfather's house, in time-honored pierce tradition.

He seemed happy to see them -- and they were happy to play with the neighbor kdis, pick daffodils, and run around like wild children. In between holding Nonni's hand.

It was really nice. The kids "rode" horses and fed donkeys and played with my mother's enormous white dog Kabu and looked at the goldfish and saw day-old lambs and generally had a great time at the house where I grew up.

And now we're home again and they're riding bikes on the porch and we dug worms today and planted sunflower seeds and that's nice too.
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