Saturday, April 30, 2011

the store turns one today!

and i find myself feeling very sentimental and proud of it, and us, and everyone who had helped us stagger forward.

let me tell you, grocer-ing is not for the faint of heart.

but boy, we're doing 10 times the job today we were when we opened. our produce is prettier. our selection better. our prices more consistent. we have value-added products galore... casseroles, soups, salads, ice cream. we carry things i didn't think we would because we listen to our customers.

this has been the best graduate school ever.

and my hope is, when we leave here, that the btc will carry on without me. that it will go on selling great food to the people of our small town for many, many years to come.

Friday, April 29, 2011

biggest news ever

cross your fingers, i am back to having 2 days a week off! wednesdays and sundays!

this is very exciting.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Check here.

Right now... momentarily, my wee terrorists are not crying. Fresh strawberries, spinach, and lettuce are on the counter, waiting K's attention. And I had a nap.

Hope y'all had a blessed Easter.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Week Highlights

Annaliese had to wear her costume to a dance class photograph bonanza.

Caspian thought she looked beautiful.

Today... K built us a fancy open-air garage to house Boatie (pics here).

And K's sister Natalie is here for a visit!

The children are enthralled.

More later.