So, K's really tall. We used to sleep on a custom-made mattress for a custom-made bed that was given to us by my aunt and made for her father, but it is narrower than a full, and as we moved/welcomed Caspian we made the decision to put the bed in storage and buy ourselves a new custom-made mattress, one as wide as a queen but longer than anything on the market.
And then I read about
how fire retardant can contaminate your breast milk, and decided that we didn't need THAT chemical sprayed on our mattress either.
Can we say
So we're waiting a little bit, saving up, not
compromising, and meanwhile the air mattress
was working fine.
Until K's side (it's got two
comfort level thingies) sprung a slow leak.
That's the explanation.
In other news... we have one laying hen dutifully
depositing an egg a day,, but the rest are slacking off. No matter.
Annaliese likes to crawl into
Caspian's bassinet, a pacifier hanging from the corner or her mouth like a pirate with a cigar, and say, night-night! (Let it be noted she and she also never took a pacifier.)
Caspian is still definitely a newborn....he cries, saves up poop, wakes, etc...but the scale is pretty manageable, knock on wood. He is not even 6 weeks old and last night we watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall (which I highly recommend) in its entirety with him sacked out on my lap. Not so bad,
n'est pas?
In less fun news, K
apparently thinks
Mila Kunis (that 70s show) is pretty cute. He got that sheepish grin when he
nonchalantly said something about her last night (she's in the movie) that revealed his mini-crush. Sorry I can't COMPETE right now, I just had your SECOND CHILD. Idiot.
Although this pic does not reveal it, we got the chicken yard up, so they now spend afternoons and evenings wandering around outside. The fresh-grass pens come later, once the scrap wood is moved.
Oh, and we have a major mice problem in the attic. I have considered getting a cat and throwing it up there, but the poor thing would probably die of the heat. Summers in Mississippi are my least favorite part of the year.
Feel updated! Off to bathe the baby.