well, everyone has convinced me. When my ship comes in, we'll get a used Mac. I like the sound of the Mac Minis but not sure it'd be worth it as we need a keyboard and monitor anyway.
So far, the big success of my week was finding my own talk of the valley subject. Here's how it went: a guy named Jack told me a few weeks ago about someone who raises exotic chickens and sends them all over the country. He'd seen chicken man at the post office. I called the county extension agent, asking if he knew chicken man's name, and he said no, but directed me to the feed store. I called the feed store, and lo and behold, there is an exotic chicken man, but he lives out in Taylor and didn't sound like the guy I'm looking for, since Taylor has its own post office. So, reluctantly, sure I would hit a dead wall, I called Water Valley's post office. Renee said sure, that was J.T., but it is pheasants, not chickens. I thanked them, hung up, and found that J.T. was not listed in the phone book. Sheepishly called the post office again, asked if they had contact info, and got J.T.'s cell phone number.
He's going to give me a tour of his pheasant farm on Friday for next week's paper. It's good to live in a small town.
2017 Projects #2
7 years ago