Last Tuesday, K. and I met with a pediatrician, did a hospital tour, and met with the OB to go over the birth plan.
It did not go well.
After some angsty nights, crazy amounts of research, and talking with local friends, we've decided to hire midwives out of Memphis for a home birth (do you know how many hours are summed up in that sentence??!?) Last night, after meeting with the second "firm" of midwives, we made our decision and now I can formally transfer my prenatal care to the very competent-- and very kind-- nurse-midwives.
The rest of my pregnancy goes like this: once a week visits (same as the OB) with the difference of not having to have a pelvic every time, since the midwives say it wouldn't affect their "course of care." I like that phrase.
The prenatal vists are pretty much just talking, as we've got a lot of catching up to do, since they usually see people beginning at the start of pregnancy, as well as determining the position of the baby through lots of bellyrubbing.
They'll come to our home for at least one visit as well as a prenatal visit, to save K. and me the trip and to case the joint.
If I go over my due date, they'll begin monitoring things to make sure everything stays stable (just like an OB).
And when I go into labor, they come here, stick around to clean up and help with breastfeeding, etc.
This is the part that I didn't expect: afterwards, they come back. A day or two after the baby is born; a week after the baby is born; and then I have 3 prepaid post-partum visits to their office at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 6 weeks. They deal with the birth certificate paperwork, the baby medicine stuff, and any breastfeeding issues (just like the hospital).
Pretty nifty, eh? The kind of supportive care they offer feels almost too decadent. I'm like "so we get an HOUR? A whole HOUR and I can talk about my feelings? And you come to my house afterwards?" It's like therapy or something. Medicine is about waiting in offices, having lists of questions to check off in the three minutes you see the doctor, and feeling stupid about your belief that maybe lots of people give birth all the time without problems, and you might be one of them.
The crazy part is, their fee, which we're paying straight up, is about what we would have paid the obstetrician and the hospital-- even with insurance. Birthing at the hospital, even if I didn't use any drugs or have any surgery, was going to cost about $10,000-- and with two deductibles to consider (both mine and the baby's) plus copays, it's really the same exact amount.
So now we're on a course of action, and once more, I know who will be taking care of me and the LP. But man, transferring when you're days away from being full-term (full-term on Friday, people) is not a stress-free thing to do.
Luckily, I have a really great husband. He did an incredible amount of legwork, research, handles all the money stuff, and even though he's swamped at work, will be at every prenatal visit I have left.
And-- here's the kicker-- he bought me roses:
*yes, we have emergency contingencies in place. And yes, the midwives are nurse-midwives (which means they went to nursing school) who come with IVs and oxygen and emergency meds, are certified in all sorts of things, and will transport me to a hospital at any indication of a problem with me or the baby. We're not cra-ZY.